Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy displayed her contempt for the rule of law on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher when she spoke about the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, currently being challenged by twenty-six states and a litany of business groups in court.
Following in the footsteps of previous environmentally-minded legislation, the Clean Power Plan aims to reduce the nation’s dependency on fossil fuels in order to combat climate change. Many are panicked about how this new initiative will be implemented and whether it will result in a new array of suffocating regulations.
Click below to see what McCarthy said:
Lunatic like the rest of this administration!
double standards and so much more
Sonmeone needs to beat her.
That is another thing I can’t understand is how in the hell can the pres appoint people to jobs that will help him in an over biased, known to be lawless admin? He has put people in places that should not be taking sides or biased to one party. That is a lot of our problem right now, the news is a major part of that selective reporting stories that benefit their political preference.
Another failure just like her boss.
He is a fool
They are socialist / communists.
Fn scumbag
This one definitely needs to go. What a spectacular POS.
Hey Gina, the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. Not yours to play with and use as you please. Impeach her now.