Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy displayed her contempt for the rule of law on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher when she spoke about the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, currently being challenged by twenty-six states and a litany of business groups in court.
Following in the footsteps of previous environmentally-minded legislation, the Clean Power Plan aims to reduce the nation’s dependency on fossil fuels in order to combat climate change. Many are panicked about how this new initiative will be implemented and whether it will result in a new array of suffocating regulations.
Click below to see what McCarthy said:
Gotta be a lowlife lefty , TRUMP WOULD HAVE her locked up. Better believe it.
They are appointed.
They do not believe that they work for us anymore …..They believe it is the other way around !!!!…… People in power for too long will always let it go to their heads as to how they believe that they are more important than the average person .. Most definitely not the way it should be. This is exactly why we need to set term limits after we force out all of the dinosaurs in office !!!!
This ‘man’ needs to be impeached.
Who does she think she is,for she does not represent me.
Jobs come and go,and does the person that had the job.
Does anyone remember this EPA Spill incident?!?!!!
A guy named Obama!!!!! Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan and congress in general!!!!!
The Dumbocrats, Libtards and socialists bring violence and hate to the people ! Why are the Dumbocrats, Libtards and socialists so filled with hate, evil and corruption ? Every protest or demonstration that are violent are those by the left. These people kill , murder and maim. Why do they murder and chop aborted babies up while those babies are still alive ? Why do these hateful people assassinate police officers? Why can’t the blood thirsty people on the left stop their hating ? No wonder little children wake up at night screaming and crying because they are having horrible nightmares of the monsters of the left coming to cut them up while they are alive ? Why are you people so hateful ? Why so corrupt ? Why so evil ? Just asking .