The EPA is fining Wyoming landowner Andrew Johnson $75,000 per day building a legal stock pond on his private land.
The EPA claims the man has violated the Clean Water Act, but has failed to adequately provide proof of this. They haven’t even taken water samples of the man’s pond.
Furthermore, Johnson went through all the red tape to get all permits and permissions with the state of Wyoming to build his small pond.
Click the link below for more info + video
Jimmy Wulf come back with that statement after they start doing the same to chemical companies dumping waste in our lakes and rivers that are destroying our drinking waters. The same with large oil companies spills. They only charged Shell $300,000 for their last spill. But yet in 4 days this family pays the same fine as a multi billion dollar company. You’re right they don’t care about the pond. It’s about destroying a family.
The EPA IS A WASTE – close it down
The EPA has continually interfered with the people trying to make a living off the land GOD has given us.Abuse of the land should not be encouraged but conservation with improvements as Johnson has done should be applauded and supported further.EPA should be abolished and a new land conservation and improvement office through the Dept. of Interior would be all this country needs and let each individual state handle their individual problems unless bordering states are creating issues collectively in another state.
It is time the EPA is abolished. They are nothing but a tool of the left wing loons.
Who has that kind of money on them
Americans need to fight back
Abolish the EPA & IRS & agency regarding our schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nazis (national socialists)
I really can’t believe that the E P A has the right to tell anyone that they can not build anything on their own PRIVATE PROPERTY. This communist orginasition needs to be defunded as soon as possible.
pray on it 😉