The EPA is fining Wyoming landowner Andrew Johnson $75,000 per day building a legal stock pond on his private land.
The EPA claims the man has violated the Clean Water Act, but has failed to adequately provide proof of this. They haven’t even taken water samples of the man’s pond.
Furthermore, Johnson went through all the red tape to get all permits and permissions with the state of Wyoming to build his small pond.
Click the link below for more info + video
this is bull c**p we live in America we are supposed to be free and having drones flying around giving people fines because they catch rain water is not free this is a dictatorship at its worst and this must stop America needs to stop these people and this action before they go any further
mindy says:
“this is bull c**p we live in America we are supposed to be free and having drones flying around giving people fines because they catch rain water is not free this is a dictatorship at its worst and this must stop America needs to stop these people and this action before they go any further”
Shoot the g*****n neighbor!!
And yet the EPA $#%&!@*s in their own hallways!
Government out of control.
This is wrong and the agency should be cut so much that are no longer relavent so that means we can get rid of them all together.
Ok this is c**p! Dammit! This has got to stop! These people have got to go! WTH is wrong with people! We’re NOT going to let you regulate the freaking rain water! $#%&!@*! I swear I’m fixing to have the really big one!
Seems to me, that if anything’s going to be free in this country, it ought to be air and water.
The EPA is out of control and needs to be stopped!