The EPA is fining Wyoming landowner Andrew Johnson $75,000 per day building a legal stock pond on his private land.
The EPA claims the man has violated the Clean Water Act, but has failed to adequately provide proof of this. They haven’t even taken water samples of the man’s pond.
Furthermore, Johnson went through all the red tape to get all permits and permissions with the state of Wyoming to build his small pond.
Click the link below for more info + video
BLM, EPA, IRS all have to go. How can they tell us what to on our own land.
Obama c**p
Tell the EPA, to Shove-It…….
What is EPA. Doing coming on private property ?. Now can he see what results he gets for his vote he casted in the last Election ?. If he voted for this idiot!.
Restrain or abolish the EPA/Gestapo
Nazi government
This is the President and Demoncrats at work to try and displace Farmers and Ranchers from earrning a Living, and to disrupt the Food Supply in the USA, The Leftists think it is a Big Social Sin for anyone to own even a few thousnd acres, instead they want to split up the acreage into small plots and give inner city poverty types the land. In the Utopia they envision, the State would supervise farming and ranching and everyone would live in the Eternal Bliss of no one having much, except the Government, and its Administrators, who would bestow the bounty on those who would “Fall in Line with the Plan”. Get chipped, get watered and fed. And we all know who wants this the most, 666.
they just trying to pay off that 17 tril debt that they cant pay back
Screw The EPA! They work for Obama and He is ILLEGAL!
sounds like he needs to do what Cliven Bundy did and refuse to pay the dam fines and ask for help from the militia