Yet another issue we are being told not to debate or question: whether humans are the cause of climate change or if climate change even exists in the way activists claim at all. Billions dumped into government climate change boondoggles act asĀ another way to distract us from dealing with real problems for a change.
Watch this video clip for yourself to see how much they are trying to shove this “fact” down our throats:
This is the IDIOT that turned that river into a Toxic Mess affecting 3 states.
It isn’t hard to imagine this woman wearing an SS uniform.
Welcome to Uncons$#%&!@*utional National-Socialism.
Look at the face on that ugly demented s$#%&!@*bag !
An insane dike in charge !
clean up that epa mess you idiot broad clean up the river you contaminated….oh and i guess she will blame us for it
I won’t debate climate change, it doesn’t exist except in the minds of liberals!
This creature should be thrown out along with agency (she/he?) heards!
I hate that rule.
Sorry but your advice was not asked for, and not wanted or needed. You are all the same, just want to tell the entire country what is best for them. In YOUR eyes only, you do NOT represent the majority so stop acting like we can’t think for ourselves.