Yet another issue we are being told not to debate or question: whether humans are the cause of climate change or if climate change even exists in the way activists claim at all. Billions dumped into government climate change boondoggles act asĀ another way to distract us from dealing with real problems for a change.
Watch this video clip for yourself to see how much they are trying to shove this “fact” down our throats:
Woman you all poisoned the water on purpose in Colorado. You owe us at least 100 million dollars for clean up. Are you trying to take everything even the water ? Your a sick company trying to kill as many as you can saying it’s an accident.
Yes the debate is over. Man caused global warming is a hoax.
Whatever Butch
I do what i like
She’s right! You can’t debate something that doesn’t even exist!
He or she needs to be fired and EPA closed down. It is a money stealing joke
I would debate you anytime any where. You don’t scare me You Butch.
Shove it idiot, no such thing as climate change it’s weather. and after the recent screqwup by the EPA you will most likely no be around any longer.
I won’t . It’s a bogus bunch of c**p, and has been debunked. End of debate.
Up Yours lady !