Environmental Protection Agency needs body armor? The EPA has long been a target of the patriot class, whose goals are the downsizing of wasteful government agencies. The EPA is, of course, one of those wasteful government agencies American could do without.
The EPA is in it’s own words “..charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress”.
So why would the EPA need over 200 “special agents” armed with weaponry, and a 75 million dollar budget? Just who are they going after-the Mexican drug cartels on the border? The report indicated over the past few years, the EPA has “guns, body armor, weaponized drones, amphibious assault ships, night-vision gear and other military-style weapons.”
And don’t forget those “special agents”. Seems the EPA is adding to the already trend of government agencies manning itself for some type of mass confrontation.
more on EPA small army next page
The Republicans are trying to cut funding for the NLRB they might as well just get rid of the EPA and every other oversight and regulatory agency we have. He’ll we don’t need no stinkin’ FDA or Dept of Agriculture. Just let ALL industries go completely unchecked. Yeah, Hell Yeah.
Dismantle the EPA
just when you thought you heared it all more c**p
Democrats – paying for baby parts, selling guns to homicidal Mexican drug lords and Muslim jihadists. Weaponizing the IRS and putting our health care in it’s hands. Scandal and corruption in EVERY agency. Pathological lying to the public.
Will the real Americans please stand up?
now this, what a mess for the next president
Money extortion operation
Way too many sheeple in our great country. So sad !!!
Gun control….!!
They’ll be coming for em…..