Environmental Protection Agency needs body armor? The EPA has long been a target of the patriot class, whose goals are the downsizing of wasteful government agencies. The EPA is, of course, one of those wasteful government agencies American could do without.
The EPA is in it’s own words “..charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress”.
So why would the EPA need over 200 “special agents” armed with weaponry, and a 75 million dollar budget? Just who are they going after-the Mexican drug cartels on the border? The report indicated over the past few years, the EPA has “guns, body armor, weaponized drones, amphibious assault ships, night-vision gear and other military-style weapons.”
And don’t forget those “special agents”. Seems the EPA is adding to the already trend of government agencies manning itself for some type of mass confrontation.
more on EPA small army next page
The EPA and BLM need to be reeled back. Perhaps 80% of their budget.
This is all part of the NWO TAKEOVER!
The Dictator’s own!!
where’s all the OUTRAGE groups? where’s all the enviromentalists d0 they even exsist anymore?!
Lock and load, guys, they’re coming for our mud puddles.
Please tell us why do they need an Army??????
Sounds like someone is planning on going onto someone else”s property for some reason which will require deadly force. By the way, the American public is missing several Billion rounds of ammunition, have any of you EPA folks seen it? We all know about a few thousand tons being delivered overseas but that”s far and away nowhere near the amount that the government has removed from being available to America”s law-abiding gun owners.
I hope you’re right!
Using the EPA funds to buy weapons and ammo that are going to be used by the UN troops and police to implement UN laws along with the DOD, our military, FBI, and the DOE. All the government departments are purchasing large amounts and warehousing them waiting for the UN police and the new UN troops and “immigrants” to enforce the new international laws. Why else do you think that the White House is emptying out the prisons? The threat to their plan is not prisoners, its the american citizen.