The very same EPA, dancing evasively over their own massive 5 million gallon Gold King Mine toxic spill into the Animas River, is actually making arguments that the EPA needs to expand its authority over all the water in our nation in order for them to protect us.
Read more of this horribly serious joke on the next page:
EPA is a department we could do without……or at least shrink down to about 80 people……instead of the over inflated one it has become!!!!!!
She looks like my old teacher that was mean and had bad bad breath
Big difference between dealing with pollution and turning puddles into navigable bodies of water.
I don’t have a problem with managing polluters. I got a problem with power grabs. I live in a rural area and do not like being bossed around when I’m not dumping filth into the water.
more freedom in america epa just spilt 3 million gallion of poison into the river in colorado , new mexico and arziona aand they want control of the water in america get real it is not the water it is people control they want
he’s a man. thats what her girlfriend believes
A special kind of stupid
On Obamas orders for control
That follows along perfectly with agenda 21/agenda 2030
I think the water is being polluted on purpose to reduce the amount of safe drinking water with easy access. It is being made hard to get the ability to have your own pond and even things like solar and wind power. The government wants us to depend on them so they insert themselves into everything. They preach green but as soon as someone does it, they are violating some law. We need to Abolish all laws, regulations and agencies then immediately put in place a set of CONS$#%&!@*UTIONAL laws that cover a free man’s life. Simple to the point laws, then we would have to put restrictions on lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. Our government has perverted itself beyond recognition.