The very same EPA, dancing evasively over their own massive 5 million gallon Gold King Mine toxic spill into the Animas River, is actually making arguments that the EPA needs to expand its authority over all the water in our nation in order for them to protect us.
Read more of this horribly serious joke on the next page:
This lady is not a lady: rather an Albino force, empty and devoid, with nothing to loose, other than your health and well-being!
EPA Evil Pursuits Agency
Have them drink the rivers they pollute if they’re still standing arrest them.
Obama and the UN will get it through Agenda 21.
We can but hope the EPA lost – we’ll have to wait to see what happens. I vaguely remember obama writing one of his cute little E.O.’s last year giving the EPA more outright authority than they’ve previously had.
good about time someone stood up to them
That is one ugly man.
Last I checked Chicago still pumps it’s sewage into lake Michigan and has since the early 90’s because the fine was cheaper than processing the sewage. Now lake Michigan is polluted terribly, you can’t eat the fish or risk getting sick, can’t play in the water with your kids. The EPA wants control all water? They can’t effectively control the water they have say in now. This is about power pure and simple. Control the water control the people. Abolish the epa, change to a simple set of rules to see if damage is being done. Rule 1, does the issue negatively effect others, 2, is their a reasonable solution, 3, if no harm, and on private property by private citizens leave alone. Nobody should profit from water it belongs to everyone. Cooperate water bottling needs to be looked into also, ultimately they want us to pay rediculas amounts for water and don’t believe access to drinking water is a right. I am sure that is why they don’t want private citizens to have water. If we can drink we can’t band together to fight a system because we will be too busy fighting to get water for our individual families.
Right on
Stop them.