The very same EPA, dancing evasively over their own massive 5 million gallon Gold King Mine toxic spill into the Animas River, is actually making arguments that the EPA needs to expand its authority over all the water in our nation in order for them to protect us.
Read more of this horribly serious joke on the next page:
So where can we find a list of the 13 states?
Call your representatives and tell them how you feel about the EPA. I think it time to dismantle it but stop all its power now and while it’s being taken apart.
common sense, uncommon……..
Shut down the EPA.
Another lizzy POS.
Whose that guy
Brave judge, obummer and dems will probably work against
No more than three day’s after they breached that dam and let that toxic chit out .
Not only seems, IS THE WORST YET!!