The very same EPA, dancing evasively over their own massive 5 million gallon Gold King Mine toxic spill into the Animas River, is actually making arguments that the EPA needs to expand its authority over all the water in our nation in order for them to protect us.
Read more of this horribly serious joke on the next page:
The EPA is also like PP and needs to be closed down for the good of our country!!!
Get outta here EPA. Y’all screwed up the last water y’all messed with.
Thank u judge for ur right n humanly decision.we hope we will have more judges of ur kind.
epa needs to be shut down now
I’m amazed by comments here by people who don’t read the entire article. Don’t just read the $#%&!@*le folks.
These articles must be too hot to handkerchief as not one will load so I can read anything but the headline. Hmmm.
Yeah right!! Obama is here to stay..
saw that one coming california is doing the same thing. to farmers and people with wells on property.
You CAN’T lose with Cruz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!