The very same EPA, dancing evasively over their own massive 5 million gallon Gold King Mine toxic spill into the Animas River, is actually making arguments that the EPA needs to expand its authority over all the water in our nation in order for them to protect us.
Read more of this horribly serious joke on the next page:
If they can’t control all the water supplies in the U.S. , than it looks like they will just poison all the water supplies.
why so they can do their best to pollute it? If they can’t handle a mine how are they going to handle all our water?
thank you judge.
this is not coming up for me I would love to know who the judge is so I can thank him/her?
Oh really. When is it going to be th air we breathe ? Idiots.
Absolutely insane with power! Shut the EPA down!!!
This offends me, what about you ? How dare the EPA try something this low ?
Defund the EPA.
Epa osha irs its time for a revolution
Thats all we need is this bimbo controlling the water here. Go clean up your mess in Colorado twit. Hope some organizatios sue your worthless kisters EPA And you personally for giving the orders to pollute a whole river system whether or not it was an accisdent you desrve to be taken to court for your irresponsible actions.