While the EPA excuses itself for 5 million gallons of toxic waste possibly intentionally spilled into a Colorado river, over in Wyoming, the EPA is changing a man $16 million in fines for building a small pond on his own land.
The reasons the EPA must be shut down permanently keep piling up.
Read more outrage on the next page.
Heads should roll! Shame
They should do away with the EPA.
something wrong with this picture
geeeezzzz….another mutant….
Why are the taxpayers paying the EPA, close it down now!!!
Shut them down
How much is the EPA willing to pay tax payers for their recent blunder?
THEY LIKE MONEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj_FKosm7Ac&index=2&list=TLYkb7DpTM_sIyMjA3MjAxNQ