While the EPA excuses itself for 5 million gallons of toxic waste possibly intentionally spilled into a Colorado river, over in Wyoming, the EPA is changing a man $16 million in fines for building a small pond on his own land.
The reasons the EPA must be shut down permanently keep piling up.
Read more outrage on the next page.
Criminal actions! Totally unconscionable!!!
Not enough people know about agenda 21 . You are spot on about that !
Get rid of the epa! Totally unnecessary and ILLEGAL!
Another government plan to take over all the Americans have worked so hard for……
this is the type of c**p from our gov.that we the people are sick of!!!
End the EPA! Don’t need them! All they do is take our money and spend it on crazy ideas.
Government at its best. What do you expect.
The EPA is out of control. As the boss overseeing this disaster, she should lose her job.
The next gov’t elected should seriously abolish the EPA!