While the EPA excuses itself for 5 million gallons of toxic waste possibly intentionally spilled into a Colorado river, over in Wyoming, the EPA is changing a man $16 million in fines for building a small pond on his own land.
The reasons the EPA must be shut down permanently keep piling up.
Read more outrage on the next page.
This POS aught to be shot
That’s not a stock pond, that’s a lake. And if I was a landowner downstream, I’d be pretty pissed that my irrigation source was cutoff as well.
rotten son of a biych epa is a crooked dept.of $#%&!@*land!!
EPA needs to be shut down…
Fine them personally and fire them
This is outrageous!
Needs to go to retirement home
The pond does not stop water from downstream plus the water that leaves the pond is cleaner than when it enters.
They have way too much over reach ! And seem to be incompetent at what they should be controlling.