While the EPA excuses itself for 5 million gallons of toxic waste possibly intentionally spilled into a Colorado river, over in Wyoming, the EPA is changing a man $16 million in fines for building a small pond on his own land.
The reasons the EPA must be shut down permanently keep piling up.
Read more outrage on the next page.
changing a man?
Had enough yet
The cleanup should come out of their own pocket!!!!!!!!
EPA has become part of the Washington Mafia !
Yes he is beautiful.
off this dike
EPA is a terrorist organization
Abolish the EPA
I suppose this is a result of buying into the UN-Water program. Due to the hungry nature of our unwieldy oligarchy, we now have an EPA that is fully armed with tax-payer funded automatic weapons. Why is so much of the government Of The People militarized? We are losing our rights. Why do we keep getting told what to do instead of getting to vote for something realistic? We need to eradicate something from our society. What is that?