While the EPA excuses itself for 5 million gallons of toxic waste possibly intentionally spilled into a Colorado river, over in Wyoming, the EPA is changing a man $16 million in fines for building a small pond on his own land.
The reasons the EPA must be shut down permanently keep piling up.
Read more outrage on the next page.
This woman is a liar and a criminal. She and her nasty EPA cronies need to be locked up forever. This rancher needs Mr. Bundy and his family to come and help him. The EPA is WAY beyond its jurisdiction.
Wasting OUR hard earned money…buncha deadbeats….
Shut down the EPA they are overstepping their authority
Throw all corrupt politicians in jail and throw away the key!!!
my number one target when I get into politics is to end the EPA
How convienent…
EPA is the most currupt of all the agencys. Next is the IRS
Some one needs to do something about that fine. It is just crazy !!
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots.
The EPA is a destructive force that needs to be eliminated.