As more migrants make their way into the United Kingdom, it was only a matter of time before they, like many migrants in the neighboring Western European countries, started to complain about their accommodations, as well. A migrant staying at the Lynx House in Wales complained on live television about the food and his accommodations.
In an interview with Sky News, the “asylum seeker” from Kabul in Afghanistan said that the free food he gets is “the same twice a day” and that the accommodation he’s been given is “too small and too dirty”. How’s that for grateful?
This happened on the same day that the British media went crazy over the wristbands that migrants have been asked to wear, which identifies them as migrants and allows them to get the free food their “entitled” to, which the 26-year-old claims he dislikes because it’s the same twice a day and makes him not feel good.
What he might not realize is that, though he might not like it, he’s not paying for it, and it’s keeping him nourished.
Read more about this on the next page.
Go back where you came from!!!!!
you sound like a spoiled college puke
Cult(islam) + Law (sharia) = Theocracy. The United States Constitution protects freedom of religion. A theocracy should be charged as treason. This Theocracy (islam) has declared war on the USA! Letting any of these refugee/terrorist in is aiding and abetting the enemy. 18 U.S. Code ยง 2381 – Treason. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. I propose all mosques be closed, islam and all sharia law declared illegal in the USA! Feel free to copy and paste this message!
Go home migrant, go home.
Then go back home,
go live in a cave$#%&!@*…….
ungrateful ahole. he’s living in a safe country. be glad ur not in an fng tent u loser. deal or go back
Then you an leave.
why should the likes of you have decent accomedation when we have homeless on the us all a favour and go back to your own country,
U make it what u want it to be.