Barack Obama is a criminal, plain and simple. Who has broken the law more than he, with his outrageous executive orders and his ignoring of clear legal limitations such as immigration laws?
He has also shown himself to be a friend of criminals such as the Black Lives Matter rioters who burned down cities and attacked innocent civilians. He was “down” with Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, and seems to side mostly with the thugs in the recent conflicts betweenthe police and “members of the hood.” Perhaps he is looking for “street cred,” though that would be hard for a skinny punk from the Shroom gang to achieve.
Obama has an incredibly out-sized ego, and he somehow thinks that the damage he has inflicted on this nation is a legacy to be preserved.
The political class on the Left and the Right both play a kabuki game of not undoing what their predecessor has done, no matter how atrocious the outcome. For example, Obamacare has shown itself to be one of the worst programs ever dumped on the unsuspecting American public, but it will be with us until doomsday, no matter how bad it turns out to be, or until it is replaced by something worse like sing payer.
But Donald Trump is different, and Obama is very nervous. He is not sure how Trump will play with his legacy. Trump has a long memory, and could very well revisit things like where Obama was truly born, and what his college transcripts contained. Not only could Obama be supremely embarrassed by the revelations, but many of his policies could be overturned and undone.
In particular, if Obama was shown to be illegitimate to the presidency, his military orders would have to be rescinded, legislation he signed would be null and void, orders to the EPA, HHS, and the Justice Department would no longer be in effect, and a whole host of other decisions, declarations, and mandates would be overturned. And that means that Donald Trump is a very dangerous man as far as Barack Obama is concerned, and that the president may have to take some extraordinary measures to ensure that Trump does not attain the presidency.
Obama now a real threat to Trump, page 2:
Nonsense !!!!!!
Number 5 would be great impeachment
Too bad the 2A will screw up his plans.
Its ok, we will help him pack
Don’t give the son of a$#%&!@*any ideas
I just read this article on someone else’s newsfeed. It’s a real eye opener to say the least!
They are Brainwashed at birth.
Let me explain a few things to people who don’t understand how this will end. People call these Muslims refugees! BS… this is an army invading our country under the assumption they are refugees. This is the only way to invade America from the inside and people say why we are strong and yes America is a super power. Killary wants to bring in 500,000 more how many are already here?. People say they are nice people I live with them and work with them, that is a red herring. Once they have enough and that will be soon if Killary is elected president. And listen to this very closely because it’s no joke. Once they have the numbers here it will begin, and remember Obumer is closing Guantanamo Bay and bringing the worst of the worst Muslim leaders here to America. Why would you say does it matter well I’m going to tell you. Once the numbers are here and your “Social Security is funding all this ” then they will detonate EMP bombs around America where it will do the most damage to the grid. Now some people ask what is a EMP bomb. It will destroy anything that is electrical, ie cars ,planes, generators,cell phones you get my point now. How will that be bad people ask, so I will explain . America will return to the dark ages no power to stay warm or cook no ac to stay cool no way to ship food no way to keep meat good. No place to buy food no way to call for help so people ask why would I need to call for help. Well that’s when these so called refugees will turn into an Army that will start the take over of America. They will go from town to towns state to state and they will kill you cut your head’s off they will rape and pillage everything and everyone they have contact with. Christians will be killed without mercy. I’ll fight you say I’ll call the cops or the army someone. No you won’t no way to call for help phones won’t work and Killary has already taken our guns so your fight won’t last long. ie. Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight. But don’t worry Killary will set up FEMA camps for your protection she will say but many will be killed in these camps. How will you feed your family with no food no stores no walmart. So many Americans will die from starvation in the first month alone it will be sick. And then you have people in your own town that will try to take what you have to feed their’s. Race groups killing and pillaging anywhere they want. America will be lost forever meanwhile all those countries that hate America will attack because we will be like sitting ducks in a pond. So prepare the best you can because this is what you are voting for if you vote this traitor as president. Some of you idiot’s will laugh but I assure you when it happens it will be no laughing matter when your young girls are raped in front of you and watch as your sons and husband’s heads are cut off. And no one will be able to help you you won’t be able to fight because Killary took our right as American citizens all so she can fill her pockets. Obumer is Muslim plant that has brainwashed Killary into destroying the country she says she loves. Trump is our only way out of this out come so be smart people think for yourselfs and let’s make America the great country it was before this traitor took control. You need to ask yourselfs why would any United States president give 400 million dollars to country like Iran that is the biggest funder of terrorist Go Trump/Pence Drain those swamps The peaces of the puzzle are coming together to show the whole picture. Vote until Nov 8, 2016 Mr Trump/Pencem PLEASE SHARE, PLEASE. God Bless America & Praying to stand together save America. Thank you:)
No way
welp get ready for a first , we’re gonna have to throw a black man out of government housing
He will leave office when Trump takes the oath of office. Period. Where he goes and what he does is up to him. Hopefully he decides to leave the US and fade away-but that is not likely.
If he knows nothing he should not be president of the u.s. if he’s that dumb