Barack Obama is a criminal, plain and simple. Who has broken the law more than he, with his outrageous executive orders and his ignoring of clear legal limitations such as immigration laws?
He has also shown himself to be a friend of criminals such as the Black Lives Matter rioters who burned down cities and attacked innocent civilians. He was “down” with Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, and seems to side mostly with the thugs in the recent conflicts betweenthe police and “members of the hood.” Perhaps he is looking for “street cred,” though that would be hard for a skinny punk from the Shroom gang to achieve.
Obama has an incredibly out-sized ego, and he somehow thinks that the damage he has inflicted on this nation is a legacy to be preserved.
The political class on the Left and the Right both play a kabuki game of not undoing what their predecessor has done, no matter how atrocious the outcome. For example, Obamacare has shown itself to be one of the worst programs ever dumped on the unsuspecting American public, but it will be with us until doomsday, no matter how bad it turns out to be, or until it is replaced by something worse like sing payer.
But Donald Trump is different, and Obama is very nervous. He is not sure how Trump will play with his legacy. Trump has a long memory, and could very well revisit things like where Obama was truly born, and what his college transcripts contained. Not only could Obama be supremely embarrassed by the revelations, but many of his policies could be overturned and undone.
In particular, if Obama was shown to be illegitimate to the presidency, his military orders would have to be rescinded, legislation he signed would be null and void, orders to the EPA, HHS, and the Justice Department would no longer be in effect, and a whole host of other decisions, declarations, and mandates would be overturned. And that means that Donald Trump is a very dangerous man as far as Barack Obama is concerned, and that the president may have to take some extraordinary measures to ensure that Trump does not attain the presidency.
Obama now a real threat to Trump, page 2:
He can try, the patriots will never stand for it.
He is not ever going to be third term no one wants him
I pray God bring him and all his followers to ruin.
This is my biggest fear as I do not trust this man at all!!
Still just need one general to be hero for America
Barack has jihadist training camps Muslim brotherhood and all the hateful mosques
She has been photographed smoking pot back stage at benonsa$#%&!@*shaker concert
Once you understand that Obama is not on OUR Side, Not on America’s Team, it will all be clear. He is not Incompetent. He is Destroying America more quickly than anyone thought possible. With Malice, Forethought, and Intent.
He is not in over his head. He is advancing Totalitarianism right under our noses. And Thumbing His Nose at US.
He is not Stupid. The Stupid are those that fail to see what he is doing. The Useful Idiots Stalin Talked About.
He is Embracing Our Enemies and rejecting our Long time allies.
He is acting Lawlessly and Unconstitutionally. His Stance on (F**e) Refugees is Proof.
He Ignores OUR Constitution. He Disobeys OUR Laws.
***************** Is Martial Law the Goal?****************************
He is aided and abetted by the complicit media. His Staff is Filled With Muslim Brotherhood Supporters.
Congress has done NOTHING To Stop him. Even though it is their sworn duty, they Ignore the Will of The People. He is Fomenting a Race War. He is Going to Incrementally Increase Restrictions on Freedom and Liberty.
He promised to Fundamentally Change the Greatest Country in the History of the World. Destroy is more Appropriate.
He has Promised to Utilize his phone, his pen, and the Assumed Executive Power of His Office to Institute Gun Control and Infringe Even Further on the Rights of Citizens.
The Constitution, Liberty, Freedom, Wealth, Our Future and Children are No Longer at Risk…The Risk is past. We were warned and did nothing.
I would rather see him die!