Emperor Obama: 4 Most Probable Scenarios Obama Would Use to Retain Office

Scenario #2: Obama Declares Trump Unfit 

obama angry

The second scenario is that Donald Trump wins the election and defeats Hillary, but Obama then steps in and declares again (and we should be prepared to hear it clear until November) that Trump is unfit to run the country, and Obama will not allow him to undertake the presidency and cause unknown havoc.

This would likely be supplemented by some sort of planting of evidence against Trump. If Trump were framed in such a manner, then Obama could try to justify this unprecedented action.

He would declare it his “patriotic duty” to prevent Trump from assuming office in order for Obama to save the nation from certain doom. Of course that will require some martial order and intervention, something former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has repeatedly warned us about.

Obama has undertaken a number of alarming actions, which would seem to be preparation for some sort of event such martial law. One being the arming a number of agencies including Fish and Game, the EPA, and the Education Department.

He has also been federalizing many local police and sheriffs departments – and massively arming them with weapons of war – so it would seem that he has already prepared to quell any push back.

Even the Washington Times has warned the American populace of Obama’s intent to use the military against it’s own citizens.

These both seem imminently possible for Obama to undertake. And talk about street cred! Obama could launch a coup like Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey and purge the country of his enemies in one fell swoop.

He could even declare himself dictator, which he no doubt has wanted to do since he stepped foot in the White House. He has already assumed the powers of a despot with his chronic lawlessness.

But these are both actions that could give rise to a counter-insurgency. Many claim that this is what Obama ultimately wants – to cast America into a massive civil conflict. And, actually, the Pentagon has been preparing for massive civil unrest.

If Obama wanted to take out Trump without plunging the nation into chaos, there is a clear solution that is not at all out of the realm for Obama to try.

Read how Trump can be sidelined permanently, page 3:

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  1. Lucy

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