According to an email from May 2015, Clinton spokesperson Brian Fallon reassured his colleagues that he was keeping in active contact with the Department of Justice regarding Hillary’s emails.
Specifically, he mentioned that officials from the department had informed him of a status conference that concerned Clinton’s email server, indicating the DOJ was going out of its way to keep the campaign abreast of developments regarding the matter:
“On Tuesday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the connection was ‘unbelievable.’
The email ‘shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server,’ Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement on Tuesday.
‘The Department of Justice must release all communications with the Clinton campaign and her allies as soon as possible in order to definitively prove their investigation was completely above board.’
The email from Fallon was contained in a collection of more than 1,000 messages allegedly stolen from campaign chairman John Podesta and posted to WikiLeaks on Tuesday.
Trump may be pointing to the message in an effort to redirect attention to the email release, following an increasingly bitter split from top leaders in the Republican Party and intense scrutiny over taped comments that appeared to show the nominee bragging about sexual assault.
Trump and other critics of the administration have lambasted the Justice Department for its decision not to press charges against Clinton or her allies for mishandling classified information. They were especially incensed by an apparently impromptu June meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac at the Phoenix airport.”
Source: The Hill
Sex offender trump is free ?
There is nothing that recognizes the woman as a lady