If she somehow manages to win the election, Hillary Clinton will go down as one of the most self-serving, destructive presidents in American history.
As countless emails revealed by WikiLeaks and other groups show, Hillary and the various orgs affiliated with her are tied up in all sorts of nastiness. The Clinton Foundation, of course, has been exposed as a front for any number of transactions between the group and special interests such as D.C. lobbyists and Wall Street bankers.
But the reach of the Foundation goes much farther than Washington and Wall Street. Such ugly, theocratic regimes as Qatar and Saudi Arabia have donated millions to the group, making a mockery of Hillary’s claims that she is an advocate of gay and women’s rights since she accepted money from countries like these that oppress women and homosexuals. But Hillary’s dealings didn’t just threaten the rights of Middle Eastern gays and women: they also threatened America’s national security.
Turn to the next page for more info:
Wow- would love to be at one of their global conventions-
its called$#%&!@*leaks by Trump
Truth And P***y
She is criminally insane
This is exactly why “WE THE PEOPLE” do not want to live under the dictatorship of Socialism or Communism – which is exactly what’s going to happen if Hillary gets elected.
•”WE THE PEOPLE’S” government will no longer exist.
•We are losing our constitutional rights and freedoms on a daily basis.
•We are taxed to death, which keeps the taxpayers from honestly experiencing prosperity
•We are forced to use a government healthcare plan thats imploding. The people who can’t afford the insurance are being penalized
•So, the IRS takes the penalties out of “WE THE PEOPLE’S” income tax refunds! Money owed to us! Money people count on from year to year. What sense does that make? Where is that money going to? Who has to account for it?
•The government healthcare plan was based on lies and shoved down the throats of “WE THE PEOPLE”.
•In the past, when people received the refunds – due them. People would go out shopping and spend their refunds – which put money back into the economy
• It’s just another good example of how our current administration is trying to keep the working class from getting ahead. Our government plans to make the working class dependant on them. It worked for a lot of our African Americans, for decades.
•The government keeps taking and taking and has very little to show for it. Look around and tell me our infrastructure is top of the line.
•Can “WE THE PEOPLE”, honestly say that we feel safe living in our own country, where we are now forced (because of this administrations failed foreign policies) to fight our enemies here on our own soil??
Our current administration invites tens of thousands of these people from foreign Arab nations (who despise Americans and our way of life), to live here in the USA.
•The taxpayers are paying for their flights here
•Giving them money once they reach the US
•Giving them free housing
•Free medical and dental care
•Free education
•Free food
• Plus building mosques to accommodate them.
We have a ‘do nothing’ Congress, which doesn’t have the courage to stand up for “WE THE PEOPLE” and our best interests. Its all about them!!! I think our elected officials have forgotten who pays their salaries!!
The corruption in “WE THE PEOPLE’S ” government is massive. The taxpayers are the ones who are literally killing themselves, because we are the ones being forced to pay for the corruption. Not only are we paying monetarily for it, we are the one suffering just to survive.
I thought it was a parents job to leave this world in better shape, than it was when we were growing up.
Sadly, our current administration failed us. This is NOT the hope and change that was promised.
•This country is so divided – more-so now, than ever before.
•”WE THE PEOPLE”, no longer have any trust or respect for any of our elected officials, because we can’t believe anything that comes out of their mouths.
They lie, steal, make back door deals, favor the elites, big corporations, wall street baffoons, financial institutions….. (btw, I wonder if the current administration will have anything to say about who is appointed the next CEO for Wells Fargo), takes billions of dollars from foreign arab nations (most of them who would rather behead us than look at us), sells and trades weapons to hostile nations or radical Islamic terrorists – which are then used to kill our brave men and women in uniform.
Who in the world would secretly have a private email server installed (in the basement of her private residence), after being appointed Sec. of State – Who then, sends and receives top secret / classified emails using this unsecured server?
Who would risk our national security for her convenience? Comey stated there was no evidence that proved the server had been compromised. My thought – there was no evidence to prove that the unsecured server hadn’t been compromised!!!
Is this the type of person “WE THE PEOPLE” want to lead our country?
•To protect us from all foriegn or domestic enemies?
•To get our economy back on track (without more stimulus packages) or putting even more burden on the taxpayers.
•To secure our boarders and deal with our immigration issues?
,•Implement a new healthcare plan that is actually affordable and will benefit the working class?
•To rebuild our infrastructure, that should have been done years ago.
• To honestly unite this great nation we live in.
•Build up our Defense Department.
•Take care of our veterans by revamping the entire medical system, so that every vet gets the necessary care they were promised, and in a timely manner.
•Take care of our men and women in harm’s way, by suppling them with the necessary weapons they need to protect themselves, while accomplishing their mission.
•Negotiate a realistic pay scale for all of our armed forces.
•Get to the bottom of the massive fraud within our government and actually hold people accountable – instead of being one of the greedy ring leaders to further your own agenda.
•Weed out the people who do not follow the rule of law.
Hillary has been a part of the problem for decades. She’s will never EVER do what’s in the best interest of “WE THE PEOPLE”. If she did, she would lose her power, her income, her prestige, and influence with the devil himself – George Soros.
How can this be acceptable to any American who understands it?????