Email Hack Reveals Obama’s Puppetmaster Prompted Him To Take in 100,000 Refugees Per Year

As the leaked document shows, the Open Society Institute worked in conjunction with a litany of groups in order to make refugee policy more amenable to Soros’ designs. Citing sympathetic parties on both the left and right, the memo makes it clear that Soros’ reach goes far beyond the White House:

“We used the extensive networks we have developed to help engage an array of actors, most of whom were sympathetic to the cause but had not focused on the issue. In part, our active role reflects our observation that the refugee advocacy community, while long-standing and sophisticated in the inner workings of refugee policy, does not have a strong advocacy capacity or deep grassroots ties. In the course of our work, we were able to generate engagement by a group of mayors through Emma Lazarus II Fund grantee Cities United for Immigration Action; the civil rights and immigrant rights community, through long-time grantee the Leadership Council for Civil and Human Rights; liberal and conservative former national security and state department officials with the help of grantee Human Rights First; and some conservative voices, such as evangelical Christians and Southern Baptists through grantee National Immigration Forum. In the face of this pressure, the Obama administration announced Sept. 20 that by 2017, it would raise to 100,000 the total number of refugees the U.S. takes worldwide each year. While we applaud this development, it falls short of the proposed special allocation. We and allied advocates believe the U.S. can and should do more.

Secretary of State John Kerry announced last September that the U.S. would increase from 70,000 to 100,000 the number of worldwide refugees that it accepts.

A section of the Open Society document relates that Soros and the foundation ‘pushed for three specific policy objectives’ from the Obama administration:

As George Soros and the parts of the foundation that focus on the Middle East, Africa, and Europe direct major resources and attention to that crisis, we have moved to press the United States government to respond at a level consistent with the global crisis.

Working in close coordination with our colleagues in the DC Advocacy office, we (in support of George Soros) have pushed for three specific policy objectives: (1) an increase in the worldwide refugee authorization from the pre-existing 70,000 to one commensurate with the need, (2) an increase in resources to the relevant government agencies to expand their ability to process individuals under the existing numbers (noting that the United States has only processed 1,500 Syrians since 2011 even though existing authority allows 10,000 as of now), and (3) an increase in the financing for efforts overseas, recognizing that the United States is and remains the largest funder of support for these efforts. George Soros’ letter to President Obama is included here.”

Source: Breitbart

Photo: Washington Examiner



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