The amazing, disappearing and then reappearing email from Hillary Clinton’s private email server has all finally been released, many months after a federal judge demanded that the State Department disclose the content, which they did, but only in dibs and dabs while Clinton fired up her presidential campaign. She initially insisted that all government email during her time as Secretary of State had been erased, which in most businesses would get you fired and perhaps charged with theft. Then her story changed and she said there was nothing of consequence. With further digging it turns out that not only were there important emails, many of which still are still heavily redacted, but there were almost 2,000 emails that contained secret, top secret, or highest level secret. These types of email are supposed to be carefully guarded and never shared on a public or private server, due to their sensitive nature, and generally would earn the violator of such an edict a lengthy stay in jail.
Clinton’s supporters, and it is a mystery why she would have so many, continue to dismiss the whole situation as a ‘right wing conspiracy” to bring her campaign down, in spite of the fact that the judge requiring the release of the documents is an appointee of husband Bill Clinton. And of course the other claim is that the emails are not particularly sensitive or important, which was just proven to be an outrageous lie, given what was discovered in the very last batch released on Monday.
Bombshell email released Monday, see page 2:
Hahahahaha!!! Really?!?!? Wth?? She’s a disgrace and has no business in politics! I can’t believe how many ignorant people fall for her c**p! Wake up!
YEAH and it got him killed by her inactions
Blah blah blah can you just put her in jail so we can forget about her and Bill can go on with his life
is it on there he begged her for help months before he and the others died and she did nothing
your an idiot
She most likely used her own server on purpose so that the enemy could find out details of what was going on for and against the enemies. That is how she got some much cash donations from those foreign countries.
Here we have Hillery rotten in Clinton . Rotten to the core . Evil conniving trader to our country. Trader to our people . Just another Obama. I vote Trump clean up our White House clean up our country.
Hang the$#%&!@*!!!