Elizabeth Warren (D – MA) is facing a bit of an uncomfortable predicament. You remember how Hillary awkwardly boasted on the 2016 presidential campaign trail about always carrying hot sauce in her purse, in attempts to pander to black voters? Well, Warren is in something of the same predicament except much worse and humiliating.
Clinton’s gaffe was nothing more than a racist old liberal elite trying to hide her superiority complex under the guise of friendship with the African-American community. As let’s get serious. When’s the last time Hillary Clinton carried her own purse? She probably actually meant to say I always tell my assistant to put a bottle of hot sauce in my purse when heading out to take advantage of the naive blacks.
And pumping up their egos is one of the many ways Democrats attempt to appeal to ethnic minorities. That’s exactly why cultural appropriation and white bashing is the new liberal version of furthering racial equality. You can’t be an edgy Democratic these days without laying claim to some type of victimhood or minority.
And Senator Warren wanted to one up her game. It wasn’t enough anymore to just be a woman in politics. She needed to be more of a victim to keep her grip on her district. Re-election isn’t always easy for long-time senators when they’re as incompetent as Warren. Find out exactly what happened to this “Pocahontas” when she found out the ethnicity of the Republican candidate running against her on the next page
I wonder why not pochantas
She is f**e as a 3 dollar bill!!
There is a group of people in this country who have been in this country for many decades subversively trying to destroy it from within. This group of people are Socialists, Nazis, antifa, BLM and Communists at heart. These people hate the Truth!
They hate the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and all sense of morality.
GOD forbid any mention of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Freedom these things offer. These people are the ones who make excuses for, and defend, Islamic terrorism. They are the ones who call people bigots, racists, and islamophobes for criticizing Islam. Persecuted or killed for pointing out the Evil of Islam. They will do this even if you use Islam’s book the Quran to do so. They are also the ones who ten minutes after a deadly Islamic terrorist attack, blame the attack on the victims of the attack. Blame the Crusades, guns, the United States, poverty, climate change, Christians, Freedom or anything else they can think of, but never the ideology of Islam. They do this even though they know Moslems have murdered in the last 1400 years 400 million people in violent Jihad trying to spread Islam by the sword. They scream Islam is a religion of peace before the blood of the latest victims of Moslems is even cold. These people have sided with Islam and they have also sided with Globalism. These people I am talking about share with Globalists and Islamists a couple of things and one of them is a deep hatred in their hearts for those who Trust in Christ and the other is a desire to create a One-World religious political governmental system known as the New World Order and Islamic World$#%&!@*and the reign of Antichrist. These people with their Globalist and Islamofascist comrades plan to take control of the United States of America and the rest of the Western World, establish a World Government and commit genocide against all those who will refuse to submit to their rule. Most of the people they will murder by genocide will be Christians because it will be mostly Christians who will refuse to submit.
The Wicked people I’m talking about are known as Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats and moderate Republicans. They along with their Evil Globalist and Islamofascist comrades are the greatest threat to Liberty, Peace and a prosperous Life the World has ever known.
Ok folks, I question these so called DNA tests…My daughter did it twice and neither time did it show our Native American Heritage…Guess what, we know we have it for a fact…so not sure if she took one it would be accurate. I think what they are doing is a rip off.
Because Liarwatha is full of$#%&!@*
What a fraud!!
Well of course she does,after all it will prove what a liar she is!!!
Shot bag
S**t bag