Elizabeth Warren (D – MA) is facing a bit of an uncomfortable predicament. You remember how Hillary awkwardly boasted on the 2016 presidential campaign trail about always carrying hot sauce in her purse, in attempts to pander to black voters? Well, Warren is in something of the same predicament except much worse and humiliating.
Clinton’s gaffe was nothing more than a racist old liberal elite trying to hide her superiority complex under the guise of friendship with the African-American community. As let’s get serious. When’s the last time Hillary Clinton carried her own purse? She probably actually meant to say I always tell my assistant to put a bottle of hot sauce in my purse when heading out to take advantage of the naive blacks.
And pumping up their egos is one of the many ways Democrats attempt to appeal to ethnic minorities. That’s exactly why cultural appropriation and white bashing is the new liberal version of furthering racial equality. You can’t be an edgy Democratic these days without laying claim to some type of victimhood or minority.
And Senator Warren wanted to one up her game. It wasn’t enough anymore to just be a woman in politics. She needed to be more of a victim to keep her grip on her district. Re-election isn’t always easy for long-time senators when they’re as incompetent as Warren. Find out exactly what happened to this “Pocahontas” when she found out the ethnicity of the Republican candidate running against her on the next page
Probably from Germany
Of course she would not take the test because she is a career politician which means she lies
ANOTHER SOROS PUPPET http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/democrats-soros-trump-231313
Nov 14, 2016 – Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, ‘take back power’ … Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith … Another liberal operative who has been active in the DA since its founding … the operative, pointing out that Clinton is on track to win the popular vote and that Trump …
Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter …
Apr 11, 2017 – A Soros-funded organization chaired by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is fighting lawsuits brought forth by election integrity groups. … “According to publicly-available data, Wake County has more registered …
The Elizabeth Warren Cheering Squad – Capital Research Center
May 1, 2015 – With that said, Warren’s wholly speculative candidacy has been going gangbusters. … Ari Rabin-Havt, who worked at the George Soros-funded f**e media … “They are saying she is just a normal politician who will obfuscate …
Elizabeth Warren Tests the Waters for 2020 – Rolling Stone
May 17, 2017 – Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday waded into the flamewar for the soul of the … Maxine Waters Talks Impeaching Trump, and Why She Has Hope … There’s a certain irony to her remarks, delivered as they are from a ballroom at the D.C. … funded by billionaires like George Soros, Haim Saban and J.B. Pritzker.
Give her a glass of Whine.
She should be investigated for fraud, how many of her appointments and grants were based on her supposed heritage, wholly or in part?
Because she know she’s not
Doesn’t want to be caught in a lie!
How many photos are there on FB of lying and cheating Democrats today?
We know she don’t need a test she is a liar.
She doesn’t need DNA testing. Can’t you tell from her chin? No…that wasn’t it. Her nose? Her eyebrows? Her forehead? My adopted sister’s a Cherokee. She says her people are honest. OOPS!