Elizabeth Warren (D – MA) is facing a bit of an uncomfortable predicament. You remember how Hillary awkwardly boasted on the 2016 presidential campaign trail about always carrying hot sauce in her purse, in attempts to pander to black voters? Well, Warren is in something of the same predicament except much worse and humiliating.
Clinton’s gaffe was nothing more than a racist old liberal elite trying to hide her superiority complex under the guise of friendship with the African-American community. As let’s get serious. When’s the last time Hillary Clinton carried her own purse? She probably actually meant to say I always tell my assistant to put a bottle of hot sauce in my purse when heading out to take advantage of the naive blacks.
And pumping up their egos is one of the many ways Democrats attempt to appeal to ethnic minorities. That’s exactly why cultural appropriation and white bashing is the new liberal version of furthering racial equality. You can’t be an edgy Democratic these days without laying claim to some type of victimhood or minority.
And Senator Warren wanted to one up her game. It wasn’t enough anymore to just be a woman in politics. She needed to be more of a victim to keep her grip on her district. Re-election isn’t always easy for long-time senators when they’re as incompetent as Warren. Find out exactly what happened to this “Pocahontas” when she found out the ethnicity of the Republican candidate running against her on the next page
Jerry Kauffman , Is THAT what you’re basing this DNA on? That f**e test on TV? That’s not worth a damn. My stepkids ARE 1/8 Cherokee, but that test never gave ANY indication at all for Indian blood. It’s phoney.
creepy warren do it lowlife
Lieawatha . The hag.
No Native American in her just pure b******t.
Here is a list of Democrats up for reelection in 2018, American vote these turds out of office for good!
Also here is six Rhino Republicans that were paid to go against Trump that need to be voted out of office:
Paul Ryan, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Jeb Bush.
California: Dianne Feinstein (Won by 63% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 83
Connecticut: Chris Murphy (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 43
Delaware: Tom Carper (Won by 66% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 70
Florida: Bill Nelson (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 74
Hawaii: Mazie Hirono (Won by 63% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Indiana: Joe Donnelly (Won by 50% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Maryland: Ben Cardin (Won by 56% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 73
Massachusetts: Elizabeth Warren (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 67
Michigan: Debbie Stabenow (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 66
Minnesota: Amy Klobuchar (Won by 65% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
Missouri: Claire McCaskill (Won by 55% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 63
Montana: Jon Tester (Won by 49% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 60
New Jersey: Bob Menendez (Won by 59% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 63
New Mexico: Martin Heinrich (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 45
New York: Kirsten Gillibrand (Won by 72% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 50
North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (Won by 50% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 61
Ohio: Sherrod Brown (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 64
Pennsylvania: Bob Casey Jr. (Won by 54% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 56
Rhode Island: Sheldon Whitehouse (Won by 64% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 61
Virginia: Tom Kaine (Won by 53% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 58
Washington: Maria Cantwell (Won by 61% in 2012) (Intent for 2018 unknown) Current age: 58
West Virginia: Joe Manchin (Won by 61% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 69
Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin (Won by 51% in 2012) (Running in 2018) Current age: 54
Tar and feather her, drag her through the streets and then use her as a pinata!
Ofcourse she wont. Cause she knows how it will come out.
Despicable excuse for a human being!