We are already inundated with stories of voting irregularities and the election hasn’t even happened yet. If there aren’t at least a couple dozen or so allegations of serious voter fraud on election day the whole thing will seem almost anti-climactic. Could it be that the only way to avoid nasty legal battles is for one candidate to win in a blow-out of such magnitude that any alleged irregularities in the vote are swamped by the difference in vote tallies between the two candidates for president?
We’ve already been treated to news of a questionable vote counting system by Bev Harris at blackboxvoting.org called “GEMS” that Harris claims has “vast implications for the Trump vs. Hillary contest.” If that’s not enough to set voters on edge, there has also been the revelation of an alleged “hidden” NBC News website that is already announcing Hillary Clinton as the winner. Just a test or warm-up perhaps? Or something more sinister?
More on page two.
It’s a lie Trump has more support
TRUMP throwing the trash out
and your surprised about that ? stupid are you
Soros has done bought & paid for her presidency, what else did anyone expect. RIGGED SYSTEM!!!
The whole voting system is f ed anyways it’s not up to the American people our vote doesn’t mean$#%&!@*it’s all in the hands of the delegates the stuck us with Obama for a second time and now they’ll stick us with Hillary. Each vote for every person should count and it doesn’t so the American people have no say in who is or isn’t president and it pisses me off
I just hope the Russians make it quick and painless. So we don’t have to suffer too long under her regime.
She is going to steal this. God help us if she does.
I call BS!!
F**K clitton
They want you to think that Hillary is winning so Republicans and Trump supporters will think, why bother voting and will not go to the polls!! DO NOT listen to the MEDIA!!