We are already inundated with stories of voting irregularities and the election hasn’t even happened yet. If there aren’t at least a couple dozen or so allegations of serious voter fraud on election day the whole thing will seem almost anti-climactic. Could it be that the only way to avoid nasty legal battles is for one candidate to win in a blow-out of such magnitude that any alleged irregularities in the vote are swamped by the difference in vote tallies between the two candidates for president?
We’ve already been treated to news of a questionable vote counting system by Bev Harris at blackboxvoting.org called “GEMS” that Harris claims has “vast implications for the Trump vs. Hillary contest.” If that’s not enough to set voters on edge, there has also been the revelation of an alleged “hidden” NBC News website that is already announcing Hillary Clinton as the winner. Just a test or warm-up perhaps? Or something more sinister?
More on page two.
Nevada is America Country….trump country……TRUMP USA TRUMP USA TRUMP USA ….
can someone form vegas send us a list of advertisers for this c**p channel?
So true
No way she wins an honest election……she cant even fill a gym
VOTE TRUMP, ignore f**e media trying to use intimidation. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!!!
And She is stl leading not a good news
I think it’s Truman/Dewey all over again!! The media will make it look close. I also pray that I’m wrong.
The answer is us..We have been letting the government run us instead of working for us..They pass laws we don’t like and we do nothing..They take God away from us and we do nothing..We know there is corruption in our government and we do nothing..We have a corrupt crooked person ruining for president and we do nothing..We have a president that is destroying our country and we do nothing..We have illegals flooding our country ,because of Obama and we do nothing..Well hell why shouldn’t they just keep doing what there doing destroying are country we do nothing..It’s time we all make sure we get the right people in congress and the right person for president and make sure we have a say if we want to have God in our schools if we want men in the ladies rooms if we think abortions are okay at 36 week or not,,If we want to fly our own flag in our own country…We have a president not a dictator right…That’s what is wrong are president Obama never did work for us he had other things on he’s mind for this country…Now it’s our turn to make our country great with the help of a person that loves our country like we do AND THAT IS TRUMP !!!! Please if you love our country and want a safe place for your children he will do that for us,,,,GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING VOTE TRUMP !!!!!
Trump/Pence 2016
This is b******t,even worse if she wins