Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, has weighed in on the Hillary server scandal. Who better to comment on his analysis of the latest “excuses” coming out of the Clinton campaign. Snowden, seeking asylum in Russia, went on the record stating the problem is Hillary’s excuses don’t work– being that anyone with that top level of security clearance, knows exactly how classified information must be handled.
Did Clinton jeopardize national security?
He should know
Hillary is the champ . She can do whatever she wants, deny everything over and over again, then pop up and say oh ! Yes I did it and I am so sorry. What ?
Edward Snowden should be pardoned and appointed as Director of the NSA; he obviously has more integrity than James Clapper.
He should know.
I wonder how much he knows about her server and phone calls? Hummmmm!
“The idea of having one or two servers in a converted bathroom in Colorado—that have cl$#%&!@*ified information, is not only ridiculous, it might be said it borders on treason. Maybe it would have just been easier to put up a huge neon IP address on the internet, directing enemies of the US to the internet location of the bathroom.”