Last week, five police officers were killed by a man who “wanted to kill white people,” according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown. This week, the left has come out in support of the killer, and are defending him on cable news.
What would cause the left to support a mass-murderer? Apparently, too many people were calling the black shooter “racist.”
Yes, he supported many anti-white hate groups, and yes he made a specific goal out of killing white people, but his status as an African-American apparently precludes him from being a racist.
That’s the all-too-familiar message coming from the liberal press, anyway. They claim that it is impossible to be racist against white people, and that only whites have the power to harbor hate for another race. In the latest case, one CNN contributor claimed that hate crimes against whites also do not exist.
See CNN’s fantastically absurd argument that the Dallas shooting wasn’t a hate crime on the next page:
So tensions are high folks. Keep you’r families close and stay vigilant. Make no mistake we are under attack domestically and by terrorist.$#%&!@*even our own government don’t have our backs. Don’t be distracted, look at the whole scene not just how you feel about things. Some things you see may just be a distraction for a bigger plan so always try to look at the big picture and try not to be fooled by the media. Stop the blood shed folks. But I’m assuming my words fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. I for one stand for my rights and the rights of every American no matter the color, sexual orientation, or religious preference. I stand for my family, my home and my pride. I stand against all those who wish to do harm against me and my own, against those who wish to oppress my brothers and sisters, against those who wish to spill innocent blood and against those who are filled with evil and hate. I, Michael Butchino do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. This is an oath we should all take. United we stand, devided we fall. Good luck people stay sharp and stay safe. God bless you all and God bless those who have fallen. Stop the hate.
Screw this braindead$#%&!@*!!
How do you say STUPID!!!
Sick, sick, sick
They weren’t all white…but…if killing whites isn’t racist but killing blacks is I think you need to get a dictionary… you are the racist!!
So she thinks it’s a happy murder spree.
So who reads Ebony magazine? Racists BLM so what else would you expect.
Whatever, it is pure and Simple Hatred, 100% because anyone who would do such an Act is full of Hate.
If white people put out an Ivory Magazine, do you think that would be called racist ? Hmm… just asking……