Last week, five police officers were killed by a man who “wanted to kill white people,” according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown. This week, the left has come out in support of the killer, and are defending him on cable news.
What would cause the left to support a mass-murderer? Apparently, too many people were calling the black shooter “racist.”
Yes, he supported many anti-white hate groups, and yes he made a specific goal out of killing white people, but his status as an African-American apparently precludes him from being a racist.
That’s the all-too-familiar message coming from the liberal press, anyway. They claim that it is impossible to be racist against white people, and that only whites have the power to harbor hate for another race. In the latest case, one CNN contributor claimed that hate crimes against whites also do not exist.
See CNN’s fantastically absurd argument that the Dallas shooting wasn’t a hate crime on the next page:
stupid racist woman , when will people like you grow up and learn to use your brain?
Hate is hate
Out of the mouth of one really dumb$#%&!@*
This is liberalism today, thanks to the poison of the Democrat Party: “The world is upside down, inside out, sideways, crazy, nutso. Bad is good; up is down. Left is right; right is wrong. Evil is good; insanity is sanity. Abnormal is normal. Circles are squares. Hot is cold. Luke warm is red hot (among Republicans, anyway). Common sense is uncommon. The world is otherworldly. Dissent is ‘hate.’ Diversity means conformity. The good guys are the bad guys; virtue is vice; sophistry is intellectualism; jerks are celebrated; debauchery is glorified; the holy is debauched.” And America’s destruction is guaranteed.
Go pick cotton
Stupid is as stupid says, you have to ignore ignorance, for it thrives on attention
Because apparently only ignorant black people matter huh?
Shows how stupid these people are
Retarded and racist much? You are a special kind of stupid aren’t you.