The CDC has been asserting that Ebola can’t be spread by any other means than by direct contact.
The CDC has been downplaying the threat of Ebola all along, which has prompted one protest from a board-certified emergency trauma physician, Dr. Gil Mobley, who recently wore a Hazmat suit, with “CDC is lying” written on the back, to an Atlanta airport.
The position of the CDC is completely contracticted by a recent report by the World Health Organization.
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Everyone who is connected to this administration in any way lies,and they lie about everything and anything.I hate liars so they all need to be replaced with decent people with some common sense. Now even if they told the truth we wouldnt be able to trust them.And when we are talking about a deadly disease we should be able to trust them but we know we can’t.No more people crossing our borders from anywhere that is the only way to make sure no more Ebola comes in.I think OBUMA wants that or he wouldnt be putting so many people at risk.
if it starts hitting your area wear a mask do not help them do not touch them do not breathe in the same air they breathe they are the infected!
There will be a time where faith in humanity must cease to Holt
Do your research people this is a very bad virus!!!!!!!!!!!
No one knows what it is no one has A cure or a vaccine! So they say!
It is time to wipe off most of the human race goodbye everybody
It’s not a problem of overpopulation! But we’re using up all of our resources and burning our planet!
There’s so little known about Ebola, yet the Administration assures us that everything is under control! That’s just another one of their lies!
Maybe next time we will get it right!!! That’s it, find someway to use our ocean the biggest element we have for clean burning energy
I believe they tested this a long time ago and now they’re doing it again but here in America
Could it be our enemies are allies or our own government that is the ?