The CDC has been asserting that Ebola can’t be spread by any other means than by direct contact.
The CDC has been downplaying the threat of Ebola all along, which has prompted one protest from a board-certified emergency trauma physician, Dr. Gil Mobley, who recently wore a Hazmat suit, with “CDC is lying” written on the back, to an Atlanta airport.
The position of the CDC is completely contracticted by a recent report by the World Health Organization.
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Sounds like the so called”experts”are clueless!!! Trouble on the horizon!! This current administration is beyond incompetent!!
We need a real Surgeon General, not a political figure.
Canadian scientists are saying it has mutated, and is now airborne. (You can get it if someone sneezes or coughs near you.)
A cough or a sneeze would transfer bodily fluids and/or mucus to others. That’s indirect contact. They’re trying to keep people from panicking.
I’ll believe WHO over CDC any day
air borne
I do not trust my government !
Going with WHO on this one…
The President is holding the Unitrd States Hostage on Ebola from Africa..