The CDC has been asserting that Ebola can’t be spread by any other means than by direct contact.
The CDC has been downplaying the threat of Ebola all along, which has prompted one protest from a board-certified emergency trauma physician, Dr. Gil Mobley, who recently wore a Hazmat suit, with “CDC is lying” written on the back, to an Atlanta airport.
The position of the CDC is completely contracticted by a recent report by the World Health Organization.
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Common sense should tell us that they just don’t know,but for sure fluids left behind by victims sure can,I.E.seats,, airplane bathrooms, apartments,beds etc.The open border policy is compounding the problem.Most of the people coming across our southern border have had zero health care bringing with them all kinds of deceases we never heard of.Most of them have never been vaccinated for just the basic deceases.
the CDC is lying about every thing
Border laws must be obeyed that’s why we have them.
Are you aware that George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates owned the bioweapons lab in Africa which unleashed this plague? You can google it and find out all you every wanted to know….many of the links have been removed, however there are still enough there for you to find. U know FEMA camps were purchased some time ago…This is all being done by our government in preparation to depopulate the U.S. for the establishment of the NWO… Freedom loving, independent Americans will not make good slaves.
We are being beset on every side daily and Americans are giving up their rights and freedoms and, apparently, eagerly walking into enslavement! 2 Chronicles 7:14 America,s only hope!!
Will someone please tell us the truth for once?
Keep it out of the USA and you won’t have to calm the public!!
we are being lied to again folks.
they are all $#%&!@*s, this is Obama’s fault for letting this happen, he’s finding another way on destroying America.
Who has some correct answers??????