So, how easy is it exactly for terrorists to cross our border?
Reporter Joe Bigg from Inforwars recently crossed the border dressed as an ISIS militant with an ISIS flag and fake severed head just a few miles from the center of El Paso, Texas.
So we know that terrorists want to enter our country and commit atrocities against us. So why isn’t Obama deploying all resources to make sure that all these psychotic terrorists don’t enter our country? Well, is it really not obvious to you at this point?
This is all designed.
Goddammit people, that is not a real terrorist. It is a guy proving a $#%&!@*ing point. Some of these comments make me want to slam my head into a refrigerator until I am unconscious. Then waking up and having the privilege of not remembering seeing these $#%&!@*ing comments.
Tell me what would happen if you set up on the border and shot them right before the stepped foot on US soil. Would you get in trouble in Mexico or the US or is that a grey area and you can’t be charged???
Not as easy but possible
Stevie Wonder could see this is all part of some sick master plan to further inundate us with illegals. Harry Reid says the border is secure when everybody knows it’s not. They don’t even check inside trucks coming from Mexico anymore, it’s all just a big joke. I’m not a conspiracy guy but damn! What the $#%&!@* is going on? This all sounds like $#%&!@* the “New World Order” guys are always talking about. $#%&!@*. Maybe they’re right?
I have been telling people for at least a year . WE HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT.
Roy Smith
dah go ahead and advertise it maybe theyll see this and follow your lead.
God protect our country from the Muslims terrorists In Jesus Name Amen. Get rid of the man in the white house, God you could take him out, we have another Hitler in power. God Help Our Nation.
Let them come. As a proud American I’ll state that we’ve gotten to fat, we could use a good ole fight I’m our own backyard.
Not just to show that we can take everyone. But also to show it to those who mean to do us harm.