So, how easy is it exactly for terrorists to cross our border?
Reporter Joe Bigg from Inforwars recently crossed the border dressed as an ISIS militant with an ISIS flag and fake severed head just a few miles from the center of El Paso, Texas.
So we know that terrorists want to enter our country and commit atrocities against us. So why isn’t Obama deploying all resources to make sure that all these psychotic terrorists don’t enter our country? Well, is it really not obvious to you at this point?
This is all designed.
with hollow man in the white house,, I’m sure they are here in large numbers
1) it said the government funded Isis; and 2) do you honestly think they are going to be dressed like that when they come smh
This was a P**s take report done by Infowars and Alex Jones to highlight the fact that ISIS is in Mexico and the US border is wide open. This is not a photo or video of an ISIS radical. But a reporter in dress.
Nothing but REPUBLICAN’ propaganda to waist our US $ to have soldiers on the border just to due nothing more than what the Border patrol does already…This is filmed on the Rio located inside the US…..Lmao…THIS FILM IS FULL OF $#%&!@*!!
Just to get our gov’s attention…..Damn Republicans…Check the Canadian border you got Canadians/Russians etc. Crossing illegally every day but you don’t hear that on the news…hmmmm wonder why..
very easy as they are living in the whitehouse
People 9/11 is just a few days off, you better have a lot of ammo and know how to fight because the $#%&!@* Obama will not do his job!
That was stupid!
Ok so if someone can stand there and take the pic of a terrorist carring ahead, why not set down the camera and shoot the tterrorists in the head then take a pic of that!!
There’s more Christians in mexico than america. Why would they base themselves there, and why would drug cartels help them attack a country that is their bread and butter?
Walk right into it from the open border on the mexico line..