So, how easy is it exactly for terrorists to cross our border?
Reporter Joe Bigg from Inforwars recently crossed the border dressed as an ISIS militant with an ISIS flag and fake severed head just a few miles from the center of El Paso, Texas.
So we know that terrorists want to enter our country and commit atrocities against us. So why isn’t Obama deploying all resources to make sure that all these psychotic terrorists don’t enter our country? Well, is it really not obvious to you at this point?
This is all designed.
and obamas kinfocks are doing it all day every day. and he is speading them across our landwith taxpayer money.
Yea,that is why the border is so important !
Let’s use the power of deduction, if the borders can not be secured by the government either federal or local; then why aren’t the people forming a watch to guard it themselves?
too easy just walk right in
Scary stuff
Same as a ten year old from South America.
They are here this is why our President advertised our open border.
Pretty easy! They aren’t afraid of a little water.
stroll on across into obummer’s open arms
I pray that they don’t bring ebola with them