So, how easy is it exactly for terrorists to cross our border?
Reporter Joe Bigg from Inforwars recently crossed the border dressed as an ISIS militant with an ISIS flag and fake severed head just a few miles from the center of El Paso, Texas.
So we know that terrorists want to enter our country and commit atrocities against us. So why isn’t Obama deploying all resources to make sure that all these psychotic terrorists don’t enter our country? Well, is it really not obvious to you at this point?
This is all designed.
And he won’t need ID to vote!!!
And no one stops him. smh.
But But But Obama and the Commie DemoRATS said the Border is Secure !!/???… You mean the DEMOCRAT TRAITORS ARE LYING ????
Our total government is a corrupt joke.
That’s not a real ISIS member…you people should start reading the articles you comment on
It’s not just federal but also state level governments that are also responsible for what is happening. Look at Commiefornia (where I live) and the asshat of a Governor we have making deals with Mexico
With Obama president then anyone can enter.
very easy since our president left our country open to all criminals.
Fear mongering
Why are people afraid of a hadji with a gun.. Isn’t this America