So, how easy is it exactly for terrorists to cross our border?
Reporter Joe Bigg from Inforwars recently crossed the border dressed as an ISIS militant with an ISIS flag and fake severed head just a few miles from the center of El Paso, Texas.
So we know that terrorists want to enter our country and commit atrocities against us. So why isn’t Obama deploying all resources to make sure that all these psychotic terrorists don’t enter our country? Well, is it really not obvious to you at this point?
This is all designed.
lucky nobody shot him
Lol, this is awesome point made but sad.
This is to sick oboma.
He is the Manchurian candidate!
Well, Mr Onoguts, it seems your chickens have come home to roost. How much longer before the Congress (Baboons) do what they swore an Oath to do? How many more American Captives will be beheaded? How many more Women and Children will be buried alive or beheaded? Since you have publically stated, that if a conflict between the US and Muslim nations, you will side with the Muslims. When are you going to vacate the WH? Now that you have allowed ISIS training facilities in Minneapolis and Terror Training Camps (Appx 30) in our country, you are the leading candidate to be charged with Treason and Aiding and Abetting the Enemy. The Congress (Baboons), by virtue of their in-action are complicit with these charges also. Now that fully armed ISIS personnel are freely entering our country and going to designated positions, when do you intend to raise the DefCon Level? You already have blood on your hands. I am sure that there is a lot of activity ongoing on our southern border that is not being reported or suppressed by the Liberal Press. Is this part of your Divide and Conquer Plan. As a Christian and as long as there is a God in Heaven, I believe that He will intervene and prevent you from destroying this Christian Nation. If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us. God Bless The PSA. Semper Fi.
Some people will believe anything (that appeals to them) – that water sure doesn’t look like the Rio Grande to me. I think it’s a farce. LOL
it’s easy when the door is left wide open by an incompetent fool in the white house.
So, lets see…illegals, drug mules, terrorists, criminals…Does that about cover it?!!
It’s the USA FBI