Here we go again, an argument that has been present in politics for a very long time. The topic of abortion has been a hot button topic ever since abortion came along. Within the past month the world has been given a new turn to this already twisted thinking that abortion is okay, and that new turn is that selling aborted baby parts is okay.
The pro-life movement went to the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood. In response, the White House threatened to veto it, but on what basis?
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They (D’s) won’t defund it, it’s one of their ways of using tax dollars to fund their campaigns.
Obama wants the murders to go on. Must be in on the take.
How can anyone with kids or grandkids support planned parenthood or support anyone who does
Totally unconscionable!!!!
I have no doubt you’re correct, Ron! As they say, she’s a real piece of work….
I read that what planned parenthood p$#%&!@*es off as woman’s Heath obomacare all ready covers and these care centers are mostly in low income areas so who is really the target and were did the mentality come from? it was from a woman that targeted black people And demacratic aka …modern political liberal came from communism!check history
Is this guy for real, he has no shame.
Yea explain how women’s health and killing babies aren’t different.
Pro Life- Self explanatory. Pro Death explains Abortion but we prefer to use the word choice as if we don’t know what your choice is when you use it.
If you remove the parts from one car or machine to repair another we call it cannibalism. So what are we calling it when we do it to humans? Yep, that’s what you are murderous cannibals!
Stupid crazy
So tired of the treason of our lawgivers.