Dutch politician Machiel de Graaf with the PVV party, shocked the world with his recent address to the Dutch Parliament. In a time when prejudice against Islam is at all time high and millions of Muslim migrants are flooding into Western Europe, unrest is at an all time high in place like Greece, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands between migrants and natural born citizens.
In his address to the Dutch Parliament he gave some shocking statistics and made many points that people are having a difficult time denying the truths in.
Read these points on the next page.
No human community can allow a group to live among it, if that group has a book that they live by that commands said group to, go and live among other communities that do not live by their book and force said community to live by the book and if they do not, then the book commands them to kill those that do not live by the book.
Just ask the Buddhists of Afghanistan, the Hindus of Pakistan or the Christians of Lebanon if a community should allow that to happen? Sorry, too late the Buddhists, Hindus and Christians in those countries where murdered by moslems spreading islam by the aforementioned tactic.
A moslem mosque is by definition a barracks and supply depot for jihad warriors and their weapons to make jihad war.
allah is SATAN.
They are here, they are employing the same tactic here in America.
No trace of islam can remain among our Christian Republic.
It’s called islam
islam is the edict of SATAN
allah is SATAN
allah commands all moslems to infiltrate by deception
allah commands all moslems to kill ALL non-believers
allah told moslem men they are free to RAPE any woman, child or animal.
All of islam must be destroyed
The time of the Worldwide Final Crusade is NOW.
Us too!!
Right idea
Debby, your crazy. These people want to rape you, control you , and kill you. They will take your kindness as weakness.
Unfortunately, true
Modern crusaders will prevail..
All people (read liberals) who preach love and freedom need to read this and wake the hell up.
Exactly what we should do as well!!!!!
Europe is waking up….to the nightmare they invited in!!