When the topic of those left leaning websites-Salon, Huffington Post & Slate, “there is no difference”. “It’s an era of group think”, says Drudge. If you are reading sites that are trying to shape your mind, instead of giving you the truth, with that as the agenda-and that is most of those sites, this is the problem. “Hillary is sick, physically sick, they are propping her up with these Saturday Night Live shows, the big government -corporations need her in.”
On gun control, Drudge challenged Hillary and Obama:
“They’re all armed themselves, or they all have that security around them themselves. They don’t have to worry about [danger.] I challenge Hillary, take away your Secret Service. Take it away now. Take away your Secret Service; dismiss them. Have no security around you; have no guns around you, Hillary. I dare you. I dare you,” said Drudge.
“Obama, same thing. Drop your guns, Obama. Take your Secret Service away, Obama. Take it all away. Leave the White House unguarded, Obama. Let everybody know there’s no guns on the White House grounds, Obama.”
So they’re asking us to drop our guns and to drop our security measures, or–or what?” said Drudge, adding that only “sick Americans” would support a move for widespread gun control.
“You can’t underestimate the sickness of the American people right now. They’re really sick. I’m more angry at the sick Americans than I am at Obama or Hillary. I’m really angry at the sick Americans,” said Drudge.
Drudge gave kudos to Alex Jones for trying to push the envelope, challenge the big group think, and report on issues that so many think are just conspiracy. The government is going toward totalitarian-history repeats itself, this is nothing new and no conspiracy. Laws are being slipped in to legislation, for example in the TPP (Trans-Pacific-Partnership) on copyright laws that will affect the internet and free speech. Drudge said, “If those things happen, my site will have to be shut down by law”.
Full interview below.
Source: InfoWars
I agree.. along with a majority of those in the house and Sennett.. Corporate lobbying also needs to be outlawed.. We THE PEOPLE need to start talking solutions…
Dude wait 3 or 4 months
Finally a post with no jackasses
Gun control Hillary and Obama do not want to talk about