Is it practical to drill your own well? Sure!
With the right know-how and equipment, in the right location you can enjoy your own water.
Why not take control of your water supply?
TheĀ 2 videos that follow will show you, step-by-step how to drill your own well.
Check them out On the Following pages:
It’s all good until someone ruins an aquifer for everyone
Alabama tag from Baldwin county. Kind of sandy soil down there. I’d like to see it done in red clay soil.
Only in soft top soil and shallow water tables not in west texas such a b******t story
Kind of pointless since you need a hose and water source to do it….
Jamie Francway
Denny Mallon
It’s not practical in anywhere near ww though. Only in clayIsh soil.
I used this guy method and web site and have 3 working wells on my site in SC. This only works in sandy soil and no rocks and goes down about 30 feet. I get all the water we need for irrigation but this is just surface water. It dosent tap into the aquafir so technically it’s not concidered a well and no permit is required in our state.