Dr. Michael Savage, author of 30 books including 6 best sellers, states that if Republicans don’t win the Senate this coming election, not only will America fall to a vast liberal agenda from which it will never return, but a world-wide falling to the liberal, socialist agenda will take place.
“The conflict the current administration is pushing in the name of a broader worldwide liberal revolution.”
“As I see it, the forces of the left are attempting nothing less than a socialist takeover of the world economy and global politics,” he writes.
Click On The Link Below For More Information:
Reason I am relocating to central america, less commie socialist liberals and Muslims running the country’s.
Oprah, the typical Liberal Democrat.
Don’t be so hard on Oprah, she is no worse than the New Black Panthers, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Hamas, the Boko Haram, the KKK, the Neo Nazis, or the Westboro Baptist Church.
No Democrats.
Sharia Law is the War Against Women.
No Democrats.
I love the Michael savage show he tells it like it is
If republicans don’t take the senate , you can kiss America and her freedom good bye !!
Sadly the American people are idiots. I’ve realized this, you’d be better to as well. Even if we manage to win in Nov. it’s just a temporary delay. Liberals invaded our schools for the sole purpose of indoctrinating our children, brainwashing them. It’s succeeded. Our children have been turned against us and are too stupid to realize it. Don’t people realize that we spend more than any other country, actually the top three combined on education, yet we aren’t even in the top twenty five!!! Where is that money going? Obviously not on education! Voter fraud is rampant, 10 years ago you never heard about it, now, it’s every single election, and it’s never conservatives doing it. It’s always liberals being caught.
How many ARE NOT being caught? How much indoctrination of the youth is going on that we don’t know about? This is a losing battle. The liberals have sadly won.
I’m planning to leave. It’s the last thing you can do.
Another civil war. That’s what will happen and they know it and don’t care. They only want there way. Whatever it takes.
I’m gonna stand and fight !!!