Dr. Michael Savage, author of 30 books including 6 best sellers, states that if Republicans don’t win the Senate this coming election, not only will America fall to a vast liberal agenda from which it will never return, but a world-wide falling to the liberal, socialist agenda will take place.
“The conflict the current administration is pushing in the name of a broader worldwide liberal revolution.”
“As I see it, the forces of the left are attempting nothing less than a socialist takeover of the world economy and global politics,” he writes.
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America is gone for good..No law no order no freedom
It needs to Happen! Or We are Done as a Country!
The Country is damn near total ruin because of the Democrats controlling our lives. We must unseat them at all levels. Do not listen to their BS. They are dedicated to Socialism and the destruction of our Constitutional Nation.
The government has stolen our Freedom. Has given away our resources. Has spent millions on golf vacations that only one family can enjoy. Has allowed multi millions of non citizens including drug cartels and terrorists to suck off the American entitlement system leaving millions of American citizens in poverty and distress. It needs to stop.
Wake up folks and get pissed of and do something about it!
And be SURE to pay close attention to your screen while voting…Make sure your selection is NOT be illegally switched!
America will be great again, when it isn’t run by greed and corruption.
Please save America .
Ricky freeman looks like Biden is enjoying that Jack Daniels. Lmao. Great job libtards. Idiots!!!
We have to stop looking at someone else to do it.We need to get off our backsides and reclaim America. Repeal the laws that have made such a mess. Put God back in the drivera seat.
I say , chuck the present Administration and all the Gangster Mafia Zionists now involved with and in America. Put these monsters in Prison. “We AMERICANS” don’t need these Israeli Zionist or their American Zionist Nazi Lackey Goons. We Need to Free America completely and start fresh without Zionists period. America needs 100% AMERICANS without Any Monies buying anyone’s vote period. Clean up these Gangsters in our Political process & Bankers. Get back to basics and let “we the people’s” run OUR America.! What say you America. ? Share !
One way ticket
If Republicans don’t win, check for fraud. Obuma admitted getting in by fraud and being born in Kenya. He needs to be fired.