Dr. Jim Garrow, an ex-CIA operative, claims that we will soon see 100 malls attacked simultaneously by the thousands of jihadists that have been crossing our wide-open border. Fox news complimented this with a story regarding Al Shabaab calling on militants to attack major shopping centers, like the Mall of America.
Garrow stated that independently the attacks would come in waves, even the medical professionals responding to the scene would be attacked as the jihadists would be sufficiently armed to defeat local law enforcement.
Ever wonder why terrorists would be happy to just hit us every once in a while with major 9/11 type offensive instead of carrying out more ‘lone wolf’ attacks than they do?
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You should stop shopping at the malls ….. do they even pay their workers a livable wages anyways ?
Who shops at malls???
They better hurry. Malls are dieing
Didn’t learn from the Godfather. Never let your enemies know what your thinking.
I suggest you look up Project Pelican by Zeeda Andrews also “What Could Possibly Go Wrong” by Alan Jones and Mary Fanning.
Let’s hope the intended victims are carrying…
Yes, that’s why we should keep letting them in without vetting and without vetting
We the American People will be removing each and every anti American on U.S Soil. We are warning them to leave the USA peacefully or face GRAVE CONSEQUENCES. Any questions? Long Live the USA! Long Live Donald J Trump! Best wishes as always America, Maurice DeLoof
He has a good point. It has happened in other countries. Lots of people without protection. Easy soft targets.
When and if it comes america will unite and force the deportation of every single muslim in the country. That or a war will break out in the streets